Thursday, April 28, 2011

Greeting For New Baby In Arabic

in conflict situations: What positive can be a gesture of affection, a hug ... despite the circumstances! EXECUTIVE

Hi everyone,

In this post I share a wonderful German short-winning short film festival in Europe. It's called Embrace

I invite you to lose no detail of the video because it shows how in conflict situations ... a gesture, a hug is worth a thousand words.


Dedicated to all the wonderful people who believe that there are different ways to manage conflict, with the frank and non-violence can overcome any situation can be complex!


Happy Weekend,

A hug for you all @ s,

Maria Alejandra Ramírez Cuenca
Consultant, Coach and Trainer

Dog Has Tumor Between Urethra And Bowel


The grove animated fantasy is used to denote a forest of pine trees where I run . My goal is to get it from Velez Blanco, balsa high Topares road, ravine Mata, Rio Claro, a slight increase (right Faura), a slight drop and right "voila" a forest track of land, Just over two miles, almost useless, pretty.
Today the flowers had opened more than a week ago ... daisies, dandelions, crucifers, I have come to see a white sage and a poppy ... of all colors, white, yellow, purple, red, blue. Rainy day threats, he has fulfilled his prediction just when I stopped running, although I have gone all the time with the raincoat around his waist.
I've visited a lot of heat, cold, raining or snowing, with "butterfly" or without elllas, in any case he always gives me freedom, I welcome and comfort.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Skate Mini Ramps For 300 Or Under

processional march LIKE ME (Σπ)

I like the procession marches , also my sister Ana, Beatriz , equal. They are an experience of childhood "My parents always let us out to see the processions of Holy Week - then, in times of Franco, more gloomy. I believe that the compositions are quite beautiful and sublime moments of exceptional tenderness. A public ritual of socializing for everyone who wants to use him.
Holy Week, at least in Andalusia, is completely crazy, which blends the religious with secular, traditional and modern and postmodern. Enough, for example to see how the bars are filled with the passage of the brotherhoods, how attractive are the manolas with candles, blankets, high heels and tight skirts, the penitents that for some Americans Giris kukusclan remind, a young man with his car listening to loud tuning a march with the same passion that makes a cutting-edge rapper, or the like, this year, bringing the penitents and musicians to follow auricurales cup final King between Madrid and Barcelona. We could go on and on. Every year, with the dates changed, depending on the full moon on Good Friday, this chaos, including reactionary revolutionary holiday, returns to the streets
I am part of this world lively and contradictory beliefs distant from supernatural, but very much attached to earthly collective sentiments. The parade of music representing the gears are sublime part of the latter. I could go out for processions every day of the year. There are tastes as colors.
The origin of these marches, funeral marches bound and romanticism, has been gaining importance over the past two centuries, until today. I strongly recommend you to hear some of them, starting with the first one is titled " Eternal Peace" and is made by a woman, Maria Teresa Texidor Tic. The five proposals are related to Peace.

For those you like I strongly recommend the canal marchasdeprocesión YouTube

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who Does Sew Ins In Memphis Tn


Hi everyone,

share with you this article High today, where the psychologist Andrea Sebben, multicultural training specialist, talks about the adaptation of the executives and their families in the new country.


This article is dedicated to all courageous people who have taken the decision to move to another country and live every day in first person what it is like "really diverse" entrepreneurs congratulations!

Happy Holidays!

A warm hug,

Maria Alejandra Ramírez Cuenca
Consultant-Coach & Trainer

Birthday Coupon For Fashion Bug

STAR to Los Alamos (Σ π)

Among the Star, at the headwaters of the River Genil in the province of Granada and Los Alamos Mary, in the province of Almeria, you can be 200 miles away. Of course I have not run, but would not be a bad idea (in a week at least). But the other day I did the always spectacular and moving sidewalk Star. A great day to run around. The photo is taken by Juanmi, which rose, as if nothing had happened to the farm of stove, I will do another day, as I am in time-as usual-for recovery.
Today I have done in the Alamos, in a forest track, very comfortable, soft, by rain yesterday, among pines and limestone mountains. Delicious, to La Yesera. Pity the source of water and all the lands that surround it have been fenced off, perhaps to preserve the agricultural use of feral pigs (one day I found a whole group in the spring) or other vermin. Too bad fences to separate us humans from other animals in nature. Moreover
all great here and there. The endorphins remain.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is Eating Extra Strong Mints Bad For You


Today is April 14, in which Spain is the Republic Day. Celebrated last year (with the same shirt free software) in the Republic Square Florence ; several years in the shortfin , and today the Faculty Board, lunch (couscous, ...) with Tayseer and Beatrice in Myrtle and, as at night (photo), the "Company"
Velez Blanco Ana told him the other day that I was a Republican from the 509 cc which is when you declare the Republic Rome (could be from earlier in the Greek polis, but since we have the exact date). In those moments intauró the Re (s) to address public corruption of the monarchy and replaced by two referees and elected consuls.
There lies the essence of the Republic, democracy, equal involvement, without distinction, tod @ sl @ s @ s citizenship in decisions. Every time I think, with all its imperfections, as more democratic, shared responsibility, in the progress of societies based on these principles. So I like the Republic. Viva!
the evening (photo) Peter, a servant, Candida, Anita, Maria Luisa and Leo decided to give for her, with a wine from Jumilla (Juan Gil, better in previous years), a fried rabbit, made with love for Josefina, a tomato aliñao, a cover (the remainder) of kidneys, ... A good shot.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bill Of Sale Form For Jet Ski

With Neny accompany severe pain in their loss.

wish I could say magic words to calm your grief in this sad situation, but I have. I'm not a person who believes in a god and concrete but found this prayer that Agusta more or less what I believe or think.

"God grant me the serenity to accept things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference, living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, asking, as did God in this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it, believing that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will , so that may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You in the following "

I hope you find comfort. That they see that your mother is better now that he could rest during its evils. We love

friend, strength, you can count on us. We love you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Doujinshi Sangoku Bulma


Iman al-Obeidi is a Libyan lawyer, that the March 26, 2011, entered the restaurant at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli, residence most of the international press in Libya, calling foreign reporters who had just been beaten and raped by 15 men of the army of Gaddafi . While tearfully reported the incident, law Libyan regime dragging her out of the hotel by force, and no one has seen since.
This is unprecedented in the Arab world, the rule is that a raped woman street and be ashamed, when it is rejected by her family. In this case al-Obeidi called Public Justice, before the world. And, according to Tayseer Alony could be that be an example for society, women and men.
seems that women have had some role in the "democratic revolutions" in the world 'Arabic, but the challenge, as in many other occasions, will be in the role they play when se estabilice la situación. Si ninguna duda que los aspectos patriarcales, machistas o violentos tendrán que ser revisados. Puede que Al-Obidi haya comenzado a hacerlo. Le deseamos mucha suerte.
Por fortuna la noticia ha tenido gran repercusión en la prensa internacional y diversas ongs se han movilizado al respecto. Gadafi podrá hacerse el sordo ante muchas de las denuncias internacionales, pero ya escuchó al gobierno turco cuando le pidió que liberara a periodistas extranjeros. Lancemos con urgencia un gigantesco llamamiento mundial dirigido al primer ministro de Turquía Erdogan para que ayude a salvar a Iman. Firma la petición y reenvía este correo a todos tus conocidos . La petición será delivered directly into the Turkish consulate in Benghazi.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Realtor Sample Referr

hatching (Σπ, επ)

I think he was on the plane from Bilbao to Granada, after participating in the seminar Gernika when I came to write about hatching. Marisa conversation he had with regard to better know yourself and the environment, related to achieving greater freedom. I started thinking about her writing, but now I realize that I could be very useful for myself, because you still hatching lifetime. Always, almost by chance, some shell is stuck to the skin.
The term is used, by analogy with the poyuelos, although it could be turtles, crocodiles, dinosaurs or platypus. Is the delivery, the creation of life when a child or adolescent begins to leave the protection of parents. It is a call for autonomy and freedom. But who reaches, in full, these goals?
Humans, on our merits, we leave the comfortable space anniótico maternal and from there we are liberated from the bondage of our body, our family, our learning and our culture. It is a path creative, driven by our desire to feel, communicate, learn and act. Human flourishing is an ongoing task, like we're in the heart of a Cebola and we had to break a thousand layers, thin layers that imprison us, imperfect. Breaking the layers at the same time protect and isolate us in the world, to achieve greater sympathy and suggestions to the world, contact with the ram of nature, the cosmos, other humans, to develop solidarity and at the same time hedonism .
In a very practical, almost pedestrian crossing .... but you know your alrdedor looks, but there is friction with others, but take a bottle of wine with friends @ s from time to when ... is impossible to know the love, with lowercase and uppercase.