Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shaken Baby Syndrome Vibration


is already the second day of EXPOPAZ : La Paz in particular, an event organized by UNDP Colombia, with the collaboration of agencies international and GTZ, the European Union, Sida, and cooperation German and English, among others.

Expopaz The objective is to create a space for regional experiences of community peacebuilding made known their work, share experiences and contribute to discussions on peace building and international.

has said that despite the conflict, Colombia is a country rich in experiences of common peace, and Expopaz substantiated this claim. According to UNDP were more than 400 experiments, of which 147 were selected. Perhaps the most striking feature is Expopaz for the first time the event's agenda does not dominate the political, academic or mega-peace initiatives Bogotá. On the contrary, have been the regions, the head of networks of women, indigenous people, peasants, Afro and especially the youth who were the stars of the event.

still much for academics to give importance to community initiatives. Usually, they focus on high-level negotiations, but they know that a vision to build peace from the bottom up is necessary for the result of bargaining agreements give the expected results.

Photo 1. Tapestry Women Mampuján
Photo 2. Bachelor Project Pacicultor


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