Sunday, May 1, 2011

Greenstones Pillsimages

transmodern @ (Σπ, επ)

An intellectual is a person committed with live, understand and critically explain what is happening around them. This should not mean, of course, be isolated from reality, or life, but quite the contrary, is open to receive all drives the environment in which one lives, to interact with it to help achieve maximum harmony, or rather the most appropriate dynamic balance. The condition transmodern add it to escape a male intellectual, be guided only by "reason", more or less organic, and compujido androcentric vision to what he sees.
The intellectual @ @ develop their capacities, not as boast, but as a humble contribution to the potential dearrollo own and other people. His attitude is reflective life, meditate, imagine, have intuitions, speculations, researches, analyzes, discerning, reasoning, philosopher, projects, in synergy, interconnections between humans, nature and cosmos. And enjoy all this, is hedonistic, because he seeks the happiness of self and environment.
Tod @ s have to be intellectual capabilities and it is good that we develop, but those who by their place or profession are able to do more easily is an unavoidable commitment. For to achieve peace, deconstructing violence, you must use the best tools and humane reason is a high quality.
transmodern @ The nickname was also obliged to promote the revision of modernity and the many problems it has created and recreate a new situation in which new forms of perception fit Sensibilidade.


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