Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Raw Wholesale Chicken Wings

Forks Stories

Blood Dreams
of Alexa Cullen

My decision
Chapter 3

a century had lived in complete solitude before finding Coka and another couple went before finding Carla and it was true that Kokoro was only a small human but it was by a love so great as that felt for my other sisters. However
was sure that my love was only a small fraction compared to that felt Carla for her and that her love was immeasurable.

So she walked around the house like a lost soul, sobbing without being able to shed a tear for that which was gone. Would you ever?
That was the hardest thing of all, the uncertainty of not knowing if we would see him. Each

lived more pain as he could, Carla seeking solitude, immersed in the woods, tracking, always looking for any evidence that indicated that she had returned, but that never happened.

The clock is stopped and much less for us, but leaving Nick looked at Carla. Slowly consumed every day in agony waiting.

Can a vampire die for love?
After three centuries of existence I knew that would not happen. But one thing was perfectly safe, if not come back soon Kokoro no longer happen until my sister we beg you desmembráramos.

We lived as equals, the hierarchy does not apply in our house, but I was the oldest, the oldest and making use of my condition would not hesitate to refuse. Kokoro

was not ours, was not even human and she had the right to seek others of their kind, much that we smite.
I loved but our love will never be enough for her, much less now. Carla

was let go. He had already become physically, now must do the same with his memory.

- What do you know your lost? -. Carla told me very upset. "Leave me alone with my pain is mine alone. You never know what I feel, I can not be like your all-time from a higher plane.

-Carla, you're still very young. Believe me I understand but try to understand you too.

-Leave me alone please. Say it again.

So sadly met their wishes and confirmed that it was a matter of time that we lost her too.

knew it was not Carla who spoke but it was the pain, I was very young and perhaps still was not immune to the loss that leads to immortality.
why his words do not offend me, mainly because he understood. I also missed our Kokoro.

I can not believe they let him go Carla. Coka told me as we walked into the room. "And of course, now weeping and mourning.

"She could not stop. I said as we sat in front of the big TV in the room.
have to act, we have to move, we have to go for it.

"We can not do that if we could trust me Kokoro and to be here.

-Grrr. Coka growled as he sat beside me. "There must be something we can do.

"That's right. I replied without looking. "We can wait.

-Grr ... - He grunted Coka even stronger. I can not believe you keep your "cold blood" even in times like these.
What are we waiting for? What Carla go crazy? -.

"You and I have to be stronger than ever, we must contain.

"You're incredible. Not as I do.
I do not I want to be strong, I want to go anywhere and bring back that little ingrate.

"It is thankless and you know it.
is natural to feel this curiosity about all that has changed now.

-Ale I miss, I miss her a lot.
The house is not the same without her.
Strange that goes around asking ourselves spinning, causing even more pale Carla. Remember only makes me laugh. A laugh escaped his lips, the first in a couple of weeks. - Remember that time you asked how you had become a vampire?

And not remember if Carla had almost had a fit.

-Alexa, Tell me how you became a vampire. was asked one day after discovering what they were. Carla

stuck in my pleading eyes and horrified.

love I can not remember. answered after a few seconds. - That was many, many years.

- Can I be me someday also a vampire? -. Then she asked full of illusion.

-OK. Carla said interrupting the conversation. - time that small and curious little girls take a snack.

"True, it is snack time -. I also added thanks for the intrusion of my sister.

The evocation of that memory in particular touched heartstrings in me. Kokoro
now a teenager, just a little lower than us in appearance. Had moved away in search of his destiny, whatever, but never would be ready to hear a story like mine.

"Paris, 1667.

I did not know of my strange visitor. As the days
I convinced myself it was only is a dream, a delicious, yet macabre dream.
My family was fine like me.
Let him that everything would not have been more than a dream was the only possible answer, the more logical after all.

Many nights I left the window open and lying naked on my bed again to recreate the conditions that had led me to have that dream, but it never happened until one day simply stop thinking and wishing you remember.

All I could do was face the reality, after all, my mother was right, was no longer a child.

The preparations for my marriage had the whole neighborhood uproar.
My parents could not help but show the opulence of which rejoiced the day.
My father calculated that in a couple of years the wings that was adding to the hunting lodge of King would be completed, and the closing would form the main square of the palace.

In that year the work was concentrated on the excavation of the pond of the Grand Canal and Le Nôtre would take over the gardens and summer homes.

My father was aware of everything, took out accounts, amounted to gains and had almost no losses.
Then he missed the man who never had child. What would happen to the family business when he was no longer?
A daughter was useless, it only served to give grandchildren and I had to provide at least a half dozen.
But my stomach was twisting to get the lascivious gaze of my new fiance.
Within a week his wife would belong to him completely.
life dragged me and there was nothing I could do.

That night we would attend a dance, it would be our last social commitment as a boyfriend and this evening in particular promised to be unbearable.
I could see his eyes darting overlapping friends while talking about our wedding night.

Meanwhile my mother giving me useless dedicated her advice.

"You calm down and you stand there. She said. "Men like women submissive and quiet.
And nothing in the world to take off the nightgown, that's a sin.

Night of hell would no doubt for me.

After a light lunch my mother helped by the devoted maid to dress and prepare for the occasion.

The pink bodice fit my body, low neckline accentuated the roundness of my chest and showed my long neck, exquisite lace matched the wide skirt two shades darker than the bodice.
The tight sleeves to the elbow ended up with these same lace making the whole outfit a charming set.

Among those chores and evening came with her boyfriend dressed in their finery.

"This lovely tonight. He told me and the only answer I got my eyes and bowed in reverence.

Our car sped into the night to reach the place where dancing is held the pompous.

The growing wealth of my father and his relationship with the real architects gave us a much broader social circle and more enchanted with it was certainly my mother.
was sure that in one months regret marrying the son of a simple baker.
If only I could stop time and prevent its further progress, "I thought to enter the big house. For some strange reason I felt that night would be unforgettable

-Si-. I said to Coka-old girl was indeed a curious and very particular, not as we could see that was different to humans in general.

I took the remote and turned on the big TV we had before us.

"In the early hours of this morning has been able to trace the whereabouts of hikers who were missing for three days ..."

Oops! ...

I had a lot of strength and "Cold Blood" as stated Coka, however there were things that were simply beyond my control and it was time to expose my lack of restraint.

- Heyy! -. Coka complained when I changed the channel. "I was watching it.

"I want to see something else. I said, trying to show indifference.

"You know we have to be aware of anything strange happening around here. If it comes up as Kokoro wolf again if someone is sure to cause a stir and they heard the news.
So give me that control.

"I told you I want to see something else. "That hateful

these today.

quickly stopped watching television and spent the channels until you reach the news again.

"In a state of hypothermia and confused young people say they never ceased to feel pleasantly accompanied by something or someone that one way or another protected them on their adventure.

And now continue with the international news

Coka turned slowly and faced a few friends told me

- is that I can not believe it!. How is it possible?. The last time promised to be the last time.

- What? -. I asked trying to show offended. "I have not done anything. Are not there safely? So why tease me? -. Coka

would have to be happy, not a hair had touched those nice people.
was quite an accomplishment for me, I felt almost proud of myself. Because she could not see well?

addition, each was living Kokoro loss as it was easier. Carla
was almost a ghost rather than a vampire. Coka kicking, grunting and hunting like crazy and I ... Well ... I, also had mine.

How could understand that after all these centuries, it was very difficult for me to leave those old practices.
not their fault, I had not chosen. Did
I was not, after all, only a victim of circumstances?

"I felt this strange feeling but my senses alert for the first time I had no fear. Much time had passed from the last that he had experienced and inevitably whispered his name ... Laurent.

Could it be here? After all that time could turn out to see? Was there or really I was dreaming again?

I sought to look but it was useless, the room was packed with people and all I could see were big hats, feathers and big wigs from all sides.

I must be crazy, there was no response.
My mind was running away at all costs to the reality that is imposed on me. Yes, that would be, I was going crazy.

could not stand being there, the laughter, the smells, all that echoing in my brain, squeezing my ribs bra without letting me breathe, could not stand it.
felt the need vacuum prevailing at ease and could not, felt like I was drowning and that at any moment I might faint. I did not want to be there, I wanted to go home, not wanting to live the life I was living.
air ... I needed urgently.

I made my way through the crowd and came to the garden.
He knew he should not be there alone without company. If anyone saw me, would be a scandal. But at that time could not bear to be with anyone, just wanted to be alone for a second and forget everything. I heard laughter coming

and hid behind a tree. I killed the damn corset and pulling more not to loosen a single millimeter.

"Looks like you need help with that. Said a voice all too familiar to me.

I put my hands to her mouth stifling a scream but my heart soared and I felt my heart pumping madly.

I looked around but did not see him, the voice came from the shadows, beyond where my eyes could see.
I took a step in on them, looking for him without thinking of the danger, seduced completely mad, mad, and yearning for him, so I promised silently, wanting his touch, his eyes, his voice.

was he had not been a dream ... o…¿Tal vez si?. ¿Soñaba ahora?
No importaba, sólo importaba que ahí, oculto en la oscuridad, él esperaba por mí.
No importaba mi sangre o mi carme, le pediría que me tomase, que bebiera de mi y comiese mi carme si así lo quería, pero que por ningún motivo volviese a separarse de mí, prefería la muerte antes que eso, y que mejor que encontrarla entre sus labios”.

Recuerden seguir las Historias de Forks :

Trigangulo Inmortal de Coka

Howling at the Moon Kokoro

O scura Vanganza Carla Cullen


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