Sunday, July 25, 2010

Painting, Man, Woman Dancing

Alexa Eternal Conflict: narrated by Edward Cullen Eclipse.

Chapter 24 Bella, my girlfriend

not participate in the battle against the neophytes had been what I had asked Bella. It was difficult
para mí tomar aquella decisión. Ya la había abandonado una vez pese a que ella me pidió que no lo hiciera. Muy caro había pagado por esa estúpida acción, no volvería a cometer dos veces la misma idiotez, no le volvería a abandonar.

Por eso no pude oponerme cuando ella, sin mirarme a los ojos me lo había pedido.
Que ocultase su mirada sólo podía significar que se sintiera culpable por pedirlo siquiera, comprendía el enorme esfuerzo que hacía cuando pedía que no luchara.

Sin pensarlo tomé el móvil y llamé a Alice.

—¿Puedes venir un rato para hacer de “canguro" con Bella? —. Clavé mis ojos en ella, I knew that word was not one of his favorites but would not let her alone as she ran home to talk to Jasper.

"It's so typical of Bella and is so typical of you to do everything she wants. He had answered my sister.

She saw my decision as I took it, she informed my family my decision, a decision that surprised anyone. Understood that he could not leave Bella practically on his own, leaving her under the care of newly transformed two wolves, some children almost .... Or at least I understood most of my family.

-Wow ... We will have fun cute as Rose. Emmett had shouted.

"" All I need is not a defect in our ranks "." Jasper had thought.

"I'm not deserting. I explained out loud what attracted the attention of my family to me. "I'm not saying you do not want to be there, but she can not stay in the rear.
I'm sure they'll really need ... - And with that Emmett grimaced in disappointment.

"I do not'll miss, well you'll miss all the action. Do you realize this is the first real fight we had? How can you stay outside?
This guy is wrong if the head-

"Of course, fun. I had forgotten to do so. I replied.

"Do not be wrong with your brother. He just tries to see the good side of all this. If there is any silver lining in all this. Carlisle added.

"I think Emmett is right about something, I am not indispensable to you. In contrast, for if I am Bella.

"Better well liked. I'm sure we'd not done much with your mind elsewhere.
You take care of it. If something does happen ... -. Esme understood me, she also believed that was very easy for something to go wrong.

"I can not live without her. I answered as a simple defense, but for me it was more than enough. She needed me to his side and be there for her.

-Magnifico. Jasper said

"It's a real Edward irresponsibility on your part. I can not believe. Rosalie was the response as he crossed his arms over his chest and calls me this and that I had anticipated.

- Yes! - Emmett exclaimed joyfully. "Great, now if this gets interesting.

"Sure, it will be a challenge for you, or anyone of us. Jasper replied sarcastically.

"Do not be exaggerated. Countered the aforementioned. - What is grace if Edward comes to us all the time?.

- Grace out "Alive"? -. Rosalie said even more angry.

"I do not need sweetie. Do not tell me you're afraid a few vampiritos? - He asked Emmett came to it, taking her by the waist and then kiss his neck.

"Something could go wrong .... Anything.

"Exactly. Answered.

Why my sister could not see her and Bella shared the same sentiment?. Rosalie

feared for my family but it was by Emmett on who else did. What if anxiety was that despite being a creature with the strength and endurance of 100 men, Bella could not it was just a fragile human?

-Edward will do what he thinks is appropriate. We can not force him to stay with us if he feels that Bella needed.
Did any of us could do the opposite?

would your Jasper, Alice able to leave the care of young lions as they fight a battle for his life? You feel that you would demand to be with us instead of being with it?

Rosalie, what would you do instead?
If Esme was just as vulnerable and she does not ask me to leave I would not do and I'm sure everyone in this room would do the same. Let

Edward to do what he thinks is best because it has not come here to ask our permission, he knows what to do, he will do the right thing.

"quiet" Go my son, we should not be a burden to you. You and you have chosen to carry a much heavier on your shoulders, "said Carlisle with his mental voice. "- Just tries to keep in mind tomorrow night when we're not at home, "

" Tomorrow night "I remembered as he left home and started running through the woods in the direction where my heart was.

The next day I came home, this time with Bella at my side.

My family had gone, it was necessary to hunt for the fullness of his bodily strength, although all were aware that we could never be sufficiently prepared to combat the neophytes, our diet will never compete against them, we would always be in outnumbered and protein.
But there was nothing that I or any of them could do, we were the creatures were and wanted to put aside all those questions and concerns at least for some hours. He helped
it that everything was already arranged, the father of Bella would be safe on the reservation where Jacob's father would keep him busy.
Bella managed to get his friends were in town, apparently felt calmer, in what could be.
I had asked that we should forget everything and everyone.

"It seems we never have time for us. Need to be alone with you. Only you. I said.

needed to make things right, I needed to say what I wanted to be my partner in human life ... and in the other ... when that day comes.

not insist on taking the wheel, was not in my plans to discuss something as superficial as was the speed of your car.
I sat next to him enjoying the silence of your company, that was enough for me ... for now.

did not want my nerves betrayed me, I had hoped that time and had so often imagined in my mind of what it would be, I thanked the momentary silence, needed to find my center, my inner peace, be calm and controlled.

The twilight had been left behind when we got home from my parents, I got off the car forward en cuanto apagó el motor, abrí la puerta del copiloto y le tomé entre mis brazos.
Entonces hambriento de ella, como siempre, le besé.

Que bien se sentía tenerle así contra mi cuerpo, la suave caricia de sus brazos alrededor de mi cuello, su corazón latiendo contra mi pecho, su aliento entrando en mi boca, sus labios acariciando los míos, suaves en un principio, devoradores luego. Dejándose llevar también, entregándose, siendo mía como siempre lo había sido.
Era mi Bella, mi novia, mi compañera, mía, mía y de nadie más.

Así, sin dejar de besarle avanzamos hacia la casa, quería que esa noche fuese memorable, quería, if possible, to remain in your memory forever.
separate our lips and clenched my teeth as he walked away from me, was not an easy task, I felt like our bodies were attracted by an invisible force, but I succeeded.

"Welcome home -. Completely fascinated as I said let him gently on the ground.

-. "That sounds good Responded almost panting.

That simple gesture would have taken him in my arms again there next to the stairs.
I ordered each of my muscles to relax, that would be a solemn night. What was I thinking? Perhaps things were not already suficientemente complicadas?
Yo era mucho más fuerte que eso, yo debía, por sobre todas las cosas mantenerme firme, sobre todo ahora que estábamos tan cerca.

Me abrazó con todo su cuerpo pero esta vez no me permití soñar despierto con lo exquisito que sería besarla nuevamente.

—Tengo algo para ti —. Dije en cambio.

—¿Qué? —.

—Un objeto usado. Dijiste que podías aceptar regalos de ese tipo, ¿te acuerdas? —. Pregunté esperando que recordara sus palabras.

—Ah, ya. Supongo que lo dije—.

Su actitud reticente no me sorprendió, por alguna razón I expected an answer like that. Bella remembered his words perfectly like me.

"It's in my room. Announced a somewhat expectantly. - I am returning to get it? -.

"Sure. Come on. Responded after taking my hand in hers.

The brightness of his eyes, his gentle, safe and seductive voice that managed to generate a shiver ran down my back.

It took only a split second my arms and take her to reach the door of my bedroom. I stopped
aware of how dangerous the situation, if he wanted to leave that night everything was perfectly calm my enthusiasm and take things in moderation.

I left there, standing on the threshold of my door and ran in search of treasure. I took the delicate piece carefully and deposited it in the palm of my hand, which was fragile despite being one of the strongest materials known to man, I thought then that nothing better to represent that diamond, in many ways he was like me cold, hard, tough and my skin reflected the light like it, was undoubtedly the best and most appropriate gift that I could make.
Before she could blink I went back to his side, but he completely ignored me, without even looking up to my eyes. Moved toward the center of the room where the big bed .... Where his big bed after all.
He sat on a board of this and then decreased slowly up her leg and then another until he found himself at the center of the bed, hugged her knees and looking up at last I said:

- Well? . Show me.

That was Bella dangerous for me.
was playing with my reactions and most dangerous of all was that she was not afraid, the only thing that might have to have it I was.

"Behold a vampire afraid of a man," I was certainly a case can not be beaten. Al
think about how ridiculous the situation could not help dropping a few laughs, after which I got too close to her that despite all efforts to appear calm and relaxed by his rapid heart told me that was just the opposite.
"Nervous? "Expectation? I was not sure, but whatever it was was happy that my family was not home, that sound does not go unnoticed for a group of vampires and was in no mood that night to support the comments of my brothers.

--. It is an object used I made it clear to reach her. He did not want there
misunderstandings had cost me too get accepted.
I took his wrist
attention on the bracelet which hung the figure of the Timber Wolf and the other end of where this was put down the diamond belonged to my mother. Bella

watched carefully, looked puzzled. Did he like? Do you approve?
was sure that was his first diamond, but I assure it was not last if she was fascinated by this type of object.

I tried to remember my mother's reaction upon receiving the gift of my father's hands, but this memory was too far away, either by my young age at the time of those events or simply disappeared behind the veil of memories of my humanity.

Bella After a few minutes remained silent, watching the jewel. I told him that was my mother but I did not tie his decision to my sentimentality. Instead of saying "has great meaning for me Bella, belonged to the only woman who loves to love you before" No, I did not want her to feel forced or promised to accept it, wanted it to be free to express their views.

then pretended indifference.

-I inherited it a bunch of junk like this. I have already given a few to Esme and Alice, so you see, not so important.
Still, I thought it would be a good symbol. Hard and cold. And sunlight is the rainbow.

She raised her eyes searching mine.

"You forget that you think of something much more important ... It's beautiful. Added.

Beautiful but lifeless.
I told him that my heart was identical to that now hanging from his wrist, silent, lifeless, but still, now and always belonged.
then watched a moment the jewel in the light of the lamp and thanked me for both.
She thanked me for giving her the diamond and my heart was I more grateful, my gift was accepted without question.

"It hurts you as a practice -. I said jokingly and smiled happily.

Why could not all be so simple with her.
Now that allowed me to be more human than ever could be seen in a new way of emotions and feelings aroused in me Bella.
Frustration, longing, joy. If I wanted her to remain human a few years I also had to be more human than ever, perhaps as never before left.
Emotions, new frustrations, desires, human feelings that made me feel alive ... And jealousy, jealousy, too, that a man feels jealous when he played the love of the beloved with another man not a vampire against another vampire or a vampire into a werewolf, not jealous of man to man, as equals.
All these feelings are aroused in me when I saw Jacob about Bella when she stroked his fur while it remained in his wolf form, when he looked into those eyes that were mirrors of my soul while I served as interpreter between the herd and my family.
What else could I do? Just walk away. She was not my prisoner, I was the only captive. More
not have to spend a single night closer to him, now we had no more to prepare for what will soon happen.

And there is me, rambling again, leaving carried away by dreams, so many thoughts in so few seconds, dreaming of events that have not yet arrived.

saw as leaning slightly against me
I wrap my arms pulling her until her body was stuck to mine.
It was time for dark thoughts, no time was anyone else there on the night she and I were alone.
Then I closed my eyes, resting my head against his listening to the irregular heartbeat.
What was she thinking then?

- Can we talk about something? -. He said suddenly. "At first, I'd appreciate it start opening your mind a bit.

Mmm ... "Beware" I said a voice in my head "Care"

"I'll try. - I answered cautiously. Bella

promised not to break any rules. Apparently the "Subject" only involves us both.

"This ... -. He said nervously. - You see, the other night I was impressed by the ease with which we were able to reach an agreement. I thought I would apply that same principle to a different situation.

called my attention to the formality of your vocabulary. Never in all the time together that we had heard him speak that way.

- What do you negotiate? -. I asked puzzled.

No doubt this should be a very serious matter. Besides heart rate had been a significant increase to the point uneasy.

"Listen to how fast your heart beats. It looks like a hummingbird flapping its wings. Are you okay? -. Challenges.

however, said that was all right and invited him to continue. Apparently Bella

wanted to talk about ... on, according to her, "Ridiculous" condition of our marriage if they wanted me to convert.
But it was not something I could call "ridiculous", on the contrary for me was not a condition, rather it was a requirement and was not negotiable.
For it would be ridiculous, but not for me. Furthermore, what was wrong?

"I was wondering if ... if it is a negotiable matter.

"I've given the most important thing, by agreeing to charge your life against my own discretion. Which gives me the right to rip you some compromises. I replied emphatically.

definitely was not negotiable.
had agreed to commit the most heinous act I could perform. And thereby condemning forever to be by my side, depriving them of a life of human happiness. But he had given, was aware that if it was not me, would any other who do so, Alice, Emmett, to Carlisle.

"No -. Bella replied. "That deal is now closed. We're not discussing me ... transformation. What I want is to fix some details.

"Details? If you wanted to postpone the date for me was fine because, in reality was more than good. At least it was not that ...

- What details do you mean, exactly? -. I wanted to know now really intrigued.

"First, we clarify what are your conditions.

Bella tried to clarify my terms, but she knew what they were.
I did not become free that was once my wife and that was just the first of my condition.

- Is there more? -. She expressed surprise. Well

-. I said weighing the situation. If she became my wife then, all I would be rightfully his, everything.
no longer have excuses to reject my financial aid, and after all I would not be helping, technically she would be making use of what they are entitled. "For example, -. Continued. -Money for college. So there should be no problem with Dartmouth.

-Offices to be absurd, can you think of something else? -.

Of course it happened a few but I mentioned only the most important for me ... for now and that it was time, I asked for time.

-No. No time. That it does no treatment.

not expect much really, it was easy to foresee his reaction, but never cease to try, attempting to prolong his life, would try until the last minute. Never stop fighting for your heart.

"Just be a year, as two ... -. I tried to convince her, I tried again.

If it was constant, if I tried a little Bella would end up seeing what was best for her but again was immovable on the subject and pressing her lips moving silently shook his head. Given his attitude

tried to joke about the situation but apparently was not the best time to bring up his old car washed.
Something troubled him, the expression on her face as she screamed. What I wanted to talk? What was trying to negotiate? Must be something delicate, something he struggled to express.
I took her hand
mine and stroked his fingers while meditating on it.
Perhaps, after all, was something Bella would do before transforming. But it could be. What could be so embarrassing?
Something that I could not give? Is that what was his attitude? "Bella wanted something that was beyond my reach? That was ridiculous, I would spare no expense to please her. The more

analyzed the situation and behavior of greatly increased my curiosity. I did not like the feeling, the feeling produced in me to know that there was anything she wanted and was not layers share with me, made me feel impatient. And I knew him well enough to know that the more pressure you would those thoughts less accessible for me.

"I did not realize you wanted something else besides transform into a monster like me. I said. "I'm very curious to know what it is.

hid his eyes off me.
I felt useless. If indeed there was anything she wanted and, worst of all was that he was afraid to express it.

He could see his profile, looking down, watching my hands or maybe yours in mine.
Then I saw the blood flowing to his cheeks slightly pink staining.

- Are you blushing? -. Asked surprised Bella What was I thinking?
and remained silent with downcast eyes that made my curiosity increased desperately every second. "Please, Bella, I hate the suspense.

But she only bit her lip. The

hated not having access to their innermost thoughts. Bella knew how much I agonized when hiding from me and yet did it anyway and did so intentionally.
"Driven by shame, fear? It was completely unfair.
I had asked him not to, not to fear which would never share with me be.

-Bella ... -. I started to say as a criticism but then she spoke. He did so with hesitation but he did.

He said he worried about what will happen next.
At first I did not understand very well what he meant but it was fine, I read in his eyes when he dared to lift.

She believed that my family and our only concern was that she could wipe out the villagers.

"I'm afraid to be so worried about contain my violent impulses again not be myself ... -. Continued unsafe. "And I'm also ... I'm afraid not wish you back as you wish now.

A if that's what it was all about.
Both had stressed the disadvantages of being a bloodthirsty monster, after all, something he understood. But she should not fear, that fire will not burn for long. What was a year into eternity after all?.
I would not be alone, I would be with her, content, support.

I tried to reassure her, Bella would not notice the time pass quickly. That phase did not last forever.
-. And then she said looking down. "There's something I want to do before you stop being human. For

could not believe what I was hearing. She had finally realized that they had experiences worth exploring.

"Anything -. Expressed infusing value.

- Do you promise? -.

course I promised.
would do everything to dwell all he wanted, would not have qualms. Spare no expense, nor would it through. If I wanted to see the world with his mortal eyes, it would. Everything, everything, everything. I would give everything. Yes

-. Bella answered and looked up at me. After so much hope and much fear was in them. Should not fear, I never deny anything. "Tell me what you want, and you'll have.

"I want you -.

My lovely Bella. I was and always would be his.
Try to comfort her with a smile. She had no fear. She shifted her gaze back
mine, then on the bed in front of me knelt, and kissed me.
was something else there, hidden in his words, sorry. His act, the difficulty with which ... I was so engrossed

trying to always decide the real mystery that I was not aware of their actions.
Too late I realized.
his hands down my neck, rubbing my shoulders. His hands trying to undo the buttons of my shirt. I froze on the spot and understand.
Is that what you meant to say I wanted to me?

was ... ridiculous. That could not happen.
could not afford to even think about it. Less
today, except in those conditions.

asked him to be reasonable, then Bella reminded me that I had promised.
But this was out of discussion, all that is related to keeping her immaculate soul was strictly off the table. Buttoned
I had dropped as I looked puzzled at the same time to grind their teeth. "Well

yo digo que sí vamos a discutirlo —.

Casi violentamente comenzó a desabrochar los botones de su blusa. Era perturbador ver un brillo salvaje en sus ojos, ver aquella determinación. Bella no era así, ella no se comportaba de esa forma.
Estaba a punto de arruinarse nuestra noche por completo.
Tomé sus muñecas entre mis manos y le inmovilice.

—Y yo te digo que no—. Le contradije.

El silencio se sintió entre nosotros. Yo me sentía molesto. ¿Por qué estaba haciendo esto?

—Tú querías saber —. Dijo rabiosamente.

Jamás se me pasó por la cabeza que algo como esto pudiera suceder. ¿Por qué me pedía lo único en el mundo que yo no quería, que no podía darle?

—Creí que se trataba de un deseo vagamente realista—. Respondí en el mismo tono de voz.

Comenzó a escupir envenenadas palabras, estaba conciente que no era ella quien hablaba, ahora esta más seguro que nunca, sus hormonas estaban causando todo este embrollo.

—De modo que tú puedes pedir cualquier estupidez que te apetezca, por ejemplo, casarnos, pero yo no tengo derecho ni siquiera a discutir lo que... —.

No pude seguir escuchando sus reproches.
Yo no quería frustrarla, pero ya era demasiado pesado para mí tener que soportar el deseo que felt for her so that I suddenly threw his in the face.
In a completely irrational act on my part I held her two grasping arms above his head with one of my hands and with which I covered her mouth was free.
was absurd, completely absurd to have to go to such extremes, but I felt overwhelmed. Bella needed to calm down. At what time the magic was gone and we had dipped into this fight without meaning? I would not give up and I was sure she would not.

"No -. Ditching said the discussion was entirely my decision in stone.

His violent breath burned the palm of my hand while his chest rose and down the pace of rapid breathing. Faced with my refusal

anger slowly decreased.
With each breath her heart slowed their frantic beats and reassuring. The blood fell from his face and was recovering its normal color, little by little I saw the anger faded.

Where was irrelevant to my sister when she needed him? She would have known distract the tense situation, I have given Bella time to calm down completely.
But we were alone and mired in a ridiculous fight.

hated to seem harsh or heartless but had no other choice.
She had no right to press that form, had no right to be uncompromising, to expect impossibilities.
Why he insisted, because he was eager to condemn, to lose his life?.
I also tried to calm down.
Bella was his right. Was not me who drove him to live human experiences? I clenched my teeth
was so unfair to both.

Something caught my attention then. Bella was completely calm had returned to lower his eyes and his face was dyed red again, but this time there was anger. Bella was blushing.

sighed resignedly as he removed my hand from her mouth and asked him what was wrong, but she only replied that nothing happened.
lied, I read it in his face, I saw it in the manner in which hiding your eyes from me. Was embarrassed
again? Should I be no doubt, but there was something else.

was an intelligent woman, deep down I knew it was for their safety, only trying to protect. And if so, if she knew then that his eyes began to be crystal clear? Was that a tear looming?
No!. But why? Had it been a little rough but not to hurt her, had taken firm but not hard, was sure of that. No doubt, it had hurt his arm or his mouth. There was pressure, it was a fact. Do not ... Do not fisicamen hurt ... you ...

- Did I hurt your feelings? -. I asked incredulously.

"No -. Just said.

Rays! Ray! Ray!
But that idiot, stupid! How could she be so stupid?
course I did.

not wait a single second I took my arms cradling and stroking his face with my fingertips.

"You know why I have to say no to -. Assure him rubbing his forehead with my lips. "And you know that you desire.

She doubted me and then I explained that I should not doubt, it was absurd that distrust. It was ridiculous to believe it and accidentally threw a loud laugh. Bella
That day was truly hypersensitive to laugh however I regret that and regained her composure.
That she doubted that form itself was a sensitive issue. Do not see what frighteningly delicious it was?

"Everybody wants you. I know there's a huge queue of candidates behind me, all maneuvering to move into first position, waiting for me to make a mistake ...
're too desirable for your own safety.

If I were not so determined ... If I did not love him the way which made him ...

- Who's the fool now? -. Said in reply.

Do not believe me? "I had to give more proof?
How many times I had been about to cross the line of insurance for her? How many times I wish I had beaten the big waves and bathing my entire body with just touching your skin?
She was not aware of it disturbing that he could be and was not just me who was affected by her charms, no, much to my regret it was not so.

needed to digest it all names of my opponents?
was sure she was well aware of some of those names, it was impossible not noticing.
Eric Yorkie in time, Tyler Crowley, Mike Newton, were only the beginning of the long list and of course, could not leave out the annoying and persistent of Jacob Black. The rest of the payroll is sure to be surprised.
course she did not believe my words, I thought I just wanted to distract.
How could he be so blind?

Bella For some strange reason I thought that my refusal was because she had done something wrong, then listed the conditions for processing We placed I can not help making a gesture of repulsion to make reference to our marriage and continued with others actually meant nothing for me were really simple things. University, money, time.

"Besides, you would not mind that my car was a little faster. Did I miss something? It's a considerable list. Added.

Was it? I had not even stopped to consider. To me were little things, for me the only requirement was the first on your list, the rest were only requests.

"In return, my requirement is small and lonely ... -. She said.

Requirement "?. Had this requirement?.

"Yes, I have this requirement.

had to be a joke.

Although apparently it was not, it was clear after digesting that marriage would be like a death sentence for her and was not going to accept, unless you receive something in return.
and assumed that this "something" meant to put an end to her virginity and incidentally mine too.
The price was very high, was not able to afford something like that. Was too fragile, it was too dangerous. Bella had to be patient.
was aware that any effort to reason it would be useless. But he was sure would come a point where she finally understand, would weigh the effort and willpower which I had to muster for further breathing, living.
But today I give up, now would not yield.

"That's the problem. When it is less fragile, nothing will be the same. I will not be the same person! I'm not even sure who I'll be then.

That was wrong, she would remain the same. The same good feeling, its essence remains intact, continue to be my Bella.

"If change enough to want to kill Charlie, or suck the blood of Jacob or Angela if I have time, how am I to remain the same? -.

"It will happen. I promised. If anything could be sure of was that I never drink the blood of dog apetecería. "Even if you're a reborn, a neophyte, sure you have better taste.

"But that is what I always want more, right?. Blood, blood and more blood! -.

His words were far from reality. She was still alive was proof of that. In all my years of life I never felt or other blood witness to sing so loud as to Bella's for me. It was a call so clear, so seductive and overwhelming than any other would have surrendered immediately to the.
But I was not just any vampire, a vampire in love and the only song I wanted to hear was his heart beating loud and clear for as many years as I could.

"That's easy to say just because they have spent more than eighty years for you. I'm talking about something physical. Bella replied. It was a smart girl, I knew that eventually she would return to .-. But in the purely physical, I will always thirsty, above every other desire, so I'll be different. And his intelligence is matched to your intuition.

That feeling will be like a burning pain and heartbreaking, fill each of your senses and leave no room for anything else. Yo lo sabía, todos lo sabíamos y ella, sin ser de los nuestros lo sabía también. ¿Qué podía hacer? Negarlo? Decirle que sería simple de sobre llevar? No lo sería, por lo menos no el primer año, pero en el tiempo aquella sensación se mantendría, la diferencia estaría en que su tolerancia al dolor se haría más resistente.

—Porque ahora mismo lo que más deseo eres tú—. Continuó. —Más que la comida o el agua o el oxígeno. Mi mente tiene una lista de prioridades ordenada de forma algo más racional, pero mi cuerpo... —.

Su cuerpo…
Su cuerpo, al igual que el mío, ansiaba calmar el apetito I felt for one another. Slightly rotated his head to kiss the palm of his hand and felt like my skin was burning when in contact with her smooth lips.
deep breath I tried to ignore this feeling but in doing so the smell crept into me and suddenly felt completely in my body, my being, in my mind, filling every cell, every sense, but I fought and I reminded him it was dangerous, it could kill him, but she thought I would not be able.

were the right words, I shook my head. Was wrong to believe that.
If I let go, if I surrendered to the passion he felt for her would not be able to stop.
had tested their blood for a long time ago but still remembered the taste. The horror of dead believe it had taken of me all wanted to drink his blood, the desire to renounce his body was another matter and when he has an uncommon strength is foolish to get carried away if you want to keep safe the loved one, especially if is delicate and helpless as it was Bella for me.

I stopped stroking his face and pulled my hand to catch one of the many flowers that were the intricate iron trim that was part of the canopy bed. Start was easy, I took it like a real flower that was plucked from its thin stem. I held before his eyes a second and then grabbed my hand using only a small fraction of my strength, that was enough for him to be reduced to ashes and I opened my hand for her to be seen.
That act did not get the desired result for me because I threw a furious look.

"Not what I meant. I know how strong you are, no need to shred the furniture.

What he meant then? Again, do not understand him and that frustrated me for six. Annoyed
threw the ashes that remained in my hand and waited to answer me.

"Obviously, I do not mean it could not hurt if you wished ... It is more important than that is This not want to hurt me. So I think you could not.

realized then that meant. Bella
insufficient bet all my willpower, I thought, summoning all my love, would know how to restrain any impulse to hurt her. And that could be safe, always try, but would not trust anything I did not know, something I was not sure that power or control.
I tried to explain that maybe things do not work that way but she only made fun of me. "You

much idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you're saying as I said.

course I had. Does I thought it would be this big a risk with it?
which were not intended to test my limits with her, it was clear, would never take anything for granted with her. Furthermore it was not my guinea pig, was the light of my days and was not willing to put their lives by a simple experiment.
not give in to their demands, it was crazy.

We envisage a time.
His eyes sparkled and I knew his mind was a thousand revolutions per minute thinking about how to refute my words. But there was nothing she could say to make me change my mind.
I prepared then for a further discussion. Please

--. Implored suddenly and a look of despair in his face.
That look, that anguish, had seen not long ago, that face.
He remembered very well. His face covered by a grimace of pain when I prayed that opened my eyes and saw that she was alive.
Then I saw the same twinkle in his eyes, the same pain. Now pray again, this time for something completely different. "That's all I want. Please ... -. Finished speaking.

The evocation of that memory took root in my chest.
She had taken a mortal danger for me and I could not even ...

"Please ... -. She said again softly and I did not know how to say no again. "You have to give me any guarantees. If not, it, nothing happens. I only ask that we try. Only try, right? In return I will give you whatever you want. I'll marry you. I'll let me pay tuition at Dartmouth and I will not complain when they bribe to support me. You can even buy a more powerful car, if it makes you happy. But just ... Please ... -.

The words were blasted out of his mouth. She gave me everything, absolutely everything I had asked before him so in return I only asked me, summoning all my supernatural force will attempt not to kill him while always giving to each other.

I got carried away, I took my arms and spoke in his ear while shaking completely.

"This feeling is unbearable. There are so many things I wanted to give you ... And you decide to ask me just that. Do you know how painful it is me when I beg you refuse this? -.

"Then do not deny -.

She sensually pleading again and my defenses fell to the ground, dissolved, melted by your warmth.
tried to think but I realized my lips and ran over her neck while his heart broke when accelerated to beat even faster. Could
listen to your blood violently travel your bloodstream, you could see every pore, every tiny crawl while watching the beautiful line of his jaw.
Could it? Was strong enough to surrender to it and maintain control at all times? Could you keep it alive?
Still not sure, even doubted, or at least until Bella turned to his body and grabbed my neck looking for my lips. That
frenzied reaction, eventually delete everything.

His lips were an invitation to let myself go, I said "Come, come, me too I have a hunger for you"
was exhausted to fight the feeling, I wanted to get carried away, she wanted to be completely hers.
based on it, covers for
always felt my skin on fire with every touch with every touch of your skin.
Did not he know that he loved, he knew he would do anything for her? So why ask me just so I could not give?.

did not want to be weak, he wanted to fight with all my strength, but my legs felt weak, felt a knot in my stomach that I could move from the place where I was.
could not do anything more than hug a little harder to attract my body a little more.
wanted to be with her. Daring, surrender and then kissed him. I kissed her as I never dared.
My mouth devoured hers and liquid fire was burning from head to toe as my desire to echo in your body, fueling our passion as if a great fire in which we completely lost, and then I was sure, I could not hold back . If I let go, if their guard down just a second Bella would not survive to see another dawn.
parted his lips from mine, I refused at first but then remembered I had to breathe. Second mistake, I forgot to be breathing, the first was definitely let go. Should not commit a third. But
was difficult to stay focused, a part of me wanted above all things to ignore all logic, but my rational side, I called to order, claiming that prefaced the logic of desire.
Was able to do it? I could not afford to falter.
down his neck while I concentrated on the wild beating of her heart. "Sing your beautiful song" I asked quietly. "Sing to me and give me strength to be able to love you forever."
But it was so difficult.
unfastened the buttons of my shirt, it was amazing how safe and confident that showed I was only a puppet in his hands.
was an indescribable feeling, delivered was pleasant, suddenly a refusal seemed so distant, so ridiculous. Why could not all be that simple?
In a matter of seconds my heart was exposed and closed my eyes, surrendering to the gentle caress of his hand on my body. Let
pleasure filled me, to grow inside me with every touch with every stroke my sex awakening, filling every corner of my body.
searched my mouth again and I said, our languages \u200b\u200bcome into contact without hesitation, without fear, exploring the gentle moisture that radiated heat.
I drew a little closer to me, want to miss it, but could not. I contented myself

to enjoy this moment full of glory, taking into account and present that tonight she would not lose the purity of his soul, and Bella tries to get rid of her blouse made no difference whatsoever, but should not be allowed to go ahead.
I had asked to be tried and I had. He had tried and she was still alive ....
had managed to move the burning desire and instead ruled pure love, unselfish and devoted that I felt for her.
not wait to go further took their fists in my hands and stopped him pinned on the spot.
no doubt that in other circumstances would have given me this erotic game but this time I did not play.
However, after all pleased to see that I could stop whenever they deem it had not been the victim of a frenzy that dominated each of my senses, I was glad to know that my love for her was above all other feelings and my body needs that might come to perceive. To what extent would the owner of my actions? I was not sure, but that night was really not to find out.
Then, still holding his arms over his head I said softly in his ear:

-Bella. Please, would you stop to undress? -.

- Would you do it? -. But that night

would not get further and calmly stroked his face with just brushing against my lips, breathing deeply the aroma that exuded his skin.
also had another reason which should calm down, Bella said accept everything proposed by me and was a good hook but what would happen then, what would happen next?

Bella tried to fight but he calmed down saying he was not saying no, only that "tonight." When we were married
certainly would try harder and believe that today.

hefted a moment my words as your heart rate and respiration decreased.
a compelling reason for me to understand why tonight is not as good as any other. Expressed barely.

I have been glad she tried the same extent as cooperative as I show, especially as related to our future engagement.
I put it ... somehow, was not born yesterday. And with that I laughed silently next to his ear, but the situation was not to laugh, quite the contrary. It was time to talk honestly and regain control of the situation. I would not let Bella hormones could master again my stupid actions.

- Which of us resist more to give to others what you want? Just promise that you'll marry me, but if I yield to your desires this evening, who assures me that morning will not rush into the arms of Carlisle? Clearly, I'm much less reluctant to give you what you want. Therefore ... You first.

gave me a disbelieving look and then snorted through the nose can not believe my words.

- Do I have to get married before you? -.
That was exactly the deal. Now depended on her to take it or leave it.

"The commitment, remember? -.

And without waiting for your response I took in my arms again and kissed him more passionately than a minute ago, almost as if to devour his mouth but now it was different was I who kissed her, it was I who had put the last condition and Bella agree, however, he kissed her again and again time to break down your questions and openly on the subject.
There was no doubt it was finally my girlfriend.

I left her alone when it was deemed necessary to return to breathe.

"I think it is good idea -. He said when he filled his lungs with oxygen. Even

maintained its stubborn attitude and I was not surprised, but nothing I could do was officially my girlfriend.

"But what is you know what happened?. For once I thought tonight was I who was in control, and suddenly ... -.

're committed -. -... Said completing the sentence.

- Eh! Please do not say that out loud. He complained almost offended.

There was no doubt that the situation was delusional. I was an old vampire trying to keep my loved one's virginity rather than a ruthless vampire taking what he wanted.
was undoubtedly a specimen for analysis.

- Will you break your promise? -. I asked a little more pressing situation.
We had come too far now to stop to recant. - Are you going to break? -. Added insistently.

I walked away from it for best viewing.

- No! . I will not break. Are you already happy? -.

What if he was happy? How could doubt that? I was, at that time, very happy. I was so happy that I did not mind that almost turned me gruñera and asked playfully.

- Is that you're not happy? -. And without waiting for an answer kissed him again.

I knew if I was, who was not afraid of marriage, who feared other things, unimportant things and not sense. He feared what people might say, to the comments. But what mattered the comments? When we were together before God and men would not matter anything except us ... forever.

separate our lips and said:

"A little, but not what we were married.

did not need to digest what I already knew. And sealed his mouth with a kiss again.
felt his heart beating in his tongue, vibrating in your mouth. I hugged her lips to mine again enjoying their amazing flavor.
I was behaving in a truly indecent, but did not feel any shame, she was no ordinary woman, it was not, was my girlfriend and I think he could put aside the old conventions.
I returned to this being a completely ridiculous situation.

- Do not have the feeling that everything is upside down?. You should want to get married and I do not. Is the conventional. I laughed softly laughing in her ear.

Although she was right about one thing, our relationship had nothing to conventional or even normal, that my beautiful girlfriend was smart.

I rushed to his lips again and slowly introduced the tip of my tongue in her mouth, gently to make contact with it.
was amazing to see how easy it was to kiss her now, I feared so often get carried away, we deprive ourselves so often at each other. Now it was different now was sure that if there was the sky might have to be very similar to this and kept kissing her without fear. My lips crossed his face then his neck, stroked his shoulders, lowered his arms up to her hands and kissed as well. Were so small, yet they had the perfect size to hold my heart and between them would be safe and warm for all eternity.
While Bella kissed one of them told me: "Listen

, Edward. I said I would marry you, and I will. I promise. I swear. If you want, I signed a contract with my own blood. But that had no grace for me.

Apparently what he meant was that I thought fool, I thought I knew him too well and because of that there was no reason to wait.

"We're all alone: \u200b\u200bhow often does that happen? In addition, we have this bed so big and comfortable ... -.

"Tonight, no -. I said again.

- Do not you trust me? -. And in fact asked surprised if he did it. Need more proof of that?
then wanted to know what the problem was that in the end I would win, I always won.
But only covered my bets and the decision was made. There was no reason to speed things up, not now we were officially engaged.

"There's more -. He said after a second. - Did you intend to miss you to your word? -.

I promised that would not happen, it would try, but after that we would marry me, even a day earlier. If I wanted was to keep pushing it was better to abandon this idea.
Was it so difficult to understand? It was not just their physical safety that concerned me, also wanted to protect their immortal soul.

"You make me feel like the villain, who twists his mustache as he tries to steal her virginity to the poor protagonist.

I saw myself these mustaches writhing as Bella lay reclined on a couch wearing a beautiful white dress. I was the demon of the night wanting to possess the eternal and divine only she possessed.
had always been my biggest fight and now she joked. I hid my face bleak
and kissed her collarbone.

"That's it, right? -. Bella suddenly said and laughed.

thought I was just trying to protect my virginity. Why do you always insisted on testing me?

"No, silly girl -. I replied. "I'm trying to protect yours. And you're making me very hard.

"Of all the ridiculous things ... -. Began, but there was no place for the word ridiculous in this case.

Maybe it seems good that they did and also knew that we had discussed many times before, but she should understand and asked him to cooperate.

- How many people in this room have souls, and the opportunity to go to heaven, or whatever is after this life? -. I asked.

-Two -. Responded immediately without hesitation.

Ok. Was entitled to think so, might even be right, but in all religions, all cultures were repeated the same rules for access to heaven.

- Is not it enough with the rules vampire? Do they also have to worry about the human? -.

And what was wrong in believing it? In addition it was wrong to take all appropriate measures, just in case it was true.
Although for me it was too late, that I was safe.

"No, not too late -.

If if it was. Had killed. Not once or twice, it had many, many times enjoying it. Nothing mattered that they were murderers, rapists, pedophiles. Although Bella thought that if a difference to that detail. But the absolute truth was that life was a life and I had done away with many and she did not. His soul was immaculate, and should remain, it would be me who takes away something so precious like that and not end up with not only pure that I still possess.

- I can not leave at least one rule unbroken? -. I asked.

- A? -.

She was aware of my robberies, I explained my lies and also coveted property of others and as I had only one virtue was my chastity.

-I lie constantly. He said trying to make me feel good, but his lies could not be counted as such, it was so bad doing that nobody believed them.

"I hope you're wrong. Otherwise, Charlie must be about to break down the door with a loaded pistol in his hand.

And the truth about it was that his father was happy deluding himself, thought was not too happy when they lie or not Bella.

"But what good of others you've coveted?. You got everything. I asked incredulously.

The answer was very simple. I had coveted it.
I had wished, he had coveted, and without any duty to do so I took him away for ever from normal life of a future, of their humanity. Now I was stuck there with me, trying every means to seduce a vampire. It was something that could laugh but I did. Joke not to mourn.

-You have the right to covet what is already yours. Furthermore, what I thought about was my chastity. Responded.

Indeed it was. If it was too late for me, if your eyes, if in the eyes of God I was not worthy to enter his kingdom, he preferred a thousand times burn in hell before to prevent Bella the chance to enter heaven

"You can not expect to enter a place where you're not going to be. That's my definition of hell. Anyway, I have an easy solution: Do not ever going to die, right? -.

His words managed to dispel the black cloud covered my heart, there was no use bemoaning the decisions already taken, we could not change the past, now the only thing left was the future and not commit more errors.

"Sounds simple enough. Why did not I think of that? -. I replied smiling, I was now, through it again in better spirits.

"So you refuse to sleep with me until we're married. Added after a few minutes but sleep was not a term I use in this case, especially considering that I could never sleep with her, but removing that little detail, she was right, my only condition was to make love we were married.
I thought then that everything was clear but again pressed again believing that there was another reason behind my words.

- Another reason? -. I asked without really knowing what he was talking this time and then I said maybe that would speed things up.

was amazing how his mind crumbling each of my words.
And though possibly he was right, this time there was no ulterior motive, there was only one thing I wanted to accelerate and that was our marriage. The other, the rest could wait forever.

"But, really, your impatient human hormones are my most powerful ally in this regard.

was so angry, I could not believe my condition was getting married.

"When I think about Charlie ... Renée O! Can you imagine what they will say Angela or Jessica? Arg! I can already see its gossip.

not understand why she cared so much to digest, especially for that soon would see them forever.
Are you afraid of what her parents think? It was a natural process of human life, they are replenished, all parents did.
But there was more to that fear and that reservation. His excuses were too superficial, is not convinced.
was sure he loved me and no excuses were just that, mere excuses. Unless ... Unless she feared that all was due to ...

"No need to be a bodorrio. Only that had to be the reason. Was quite sure that the only thing capable of Bella was really frightening to be the center of all attention. "I need so much fanfare. No need to tell anyone or change your plans. Why not go to Las Vegas? You can wear jeans. There is a chapel that has a window through which you are married but you get off the car. I just want to make it official, and it is clear that belong to me and nobody else. She said although she claimed that it already was and that it could not be official but it was still to be seen and smiled thinking of what was missing.

"I do not even want an engagement ring. I said slyly putting the issue on the table and although he knew beforehand what would the reaction needed to pull the bait.

-suppose it. Answered and for a moment his face lost all trace of color but instead of feeling hurt I started to laugh heartily.

"Okay. He should not get sentimental, after all, sooner or later end up slipping the ring on her finger, had patience to spare.

He was puzzled for a moment through my words and then even incredulous added:

"You talk as if they had a ring. And it was.

"I have the ring ready to put it at the slightest sign of weakness.

Bella was surprised as surprised as me.
was incredible to see how I could speak so lightly on such an important issue for me though was the most appropriate and when he did not blanch with the statement I decided to show all my cards once and for all and without further delay I asked if I wanted to see.

- No! -. Automatically Bella exclaimed with a look of sheer terror on her face.

waited a hesitation on his part, hoped that nervously trying to escape the situation, but did not expect a reaction never as dramatic as that. I tried not to let my feelings to the surface was too pathetic there was nothing more miserable than a boyfriend begging for his bride accept his ring, he knew now, I was living in the flesh.

"It's all -. Answered.

swallowed the bitter pill of rejection of trying to keep a relaxed attitude and selfless as I told myself it did not matter, that lost a battle but not the war, I knew how to be patient, I could wait.

"Show me the damn ring Edward. Said after resigned sigh, but I refused.

I wanted to see the ring she wanted to be a no obligation and it was not a simple and cursed ring.
It meant a lot, lot to me, meant not only the love I felt for her but they also love that my parents felt for each other, a love sincere, faithful were issued until the last day of his life. I felt a love as or larger than that of Bella and all my love was reflected in the small ring.

"Please ... -. Bella asked after a moment. I had not make a word, it did not take his eyes off my face. Will read the disappointment I had caused? Pposiblemente had failed in my attempt to hide my silence and said: - Please, I can see it? -.

How could deny anything if you ask me that? He did not understand how even kept my chastity. How were you may be able to deny anything?
was truly the most dangerous creature I had ever met in my "life."
And without desire or strength to return to argue with her I got out of bed and went by the ring.
I tried not to shiver when I left the small box on his knee, he had embraced and silent now expected to open it.

"Go ahead, take a look -. Suddenly I said encouragingly.

slowly took her in his fingers and held in the air watching her. His heart
back to race though his face was pale as the paper again, looked like his hands were shivering slightly and was aware of the effort I was making at that time.

- You have not spent much money? - He asked. "If you have, lie to me. Added, stroking the soft black cloth that covered the box.

"I have not spent anything. It is another object used. Confidentially. "It's the same ring my father gave my mother. That surprised

Bella, possibly expecting another kind of ring.
That idiot had been the hope that she liked something so old, surely jewelry design experienced a huge leap from the days when my father bought the gem, but it was no use complaining, the box was in his hands, he soon moved to open my pressure to do so. Why

ray always had to do wrong?

I suppose it's too outdated -. I said before it opened. I did not want to be disappointed. "He's so old fashioned as I am. I can buy another more modern. How about one of Tiffany's? -. That was Tiffany's ... Why did not I think before?

"I like old fashioned things -. And then opened it.

stared in total silence for a moment, the position of his body relaxed as he fingered the small diamonds filled the large oval and then said it was very nice.

Do you really liked or did so not only further hurt my feelings? "It's beautiful

-. Answered reluctantly adopting indifferent attitude again. "Anyone would like. He said after lifting his shoulders in contemptuous attitude.

Why was behaving that way?
course he liked much more than it was willing to show and a cheerful laugh out of my mouth and then encourage her to try the ring on her finger, only to see if it looked good, of course.
I like her, could play with the indifference and that was the best way to cooperate but to hear my words, closed his left hand at once.

-Bella, I will not soldártelo the finger. Unfortunately I could not do ... I bruise.

I said that my intention was just to see if it was or not. Perhaps you would
a little big but not very well remember my mother's hands, but it was quite possible for him to be great, then he could remove it.

She agreed and I saw his hand coming to pick up the ring, he stopped and took horror your hand in mine quickly taking the ring from its box slipped it on her finger.
I lifted his hand up to see the contrast of white diamonds on its skin.

-. "You look perfect Expressed almost euphorically to my regret after contemplating the jewel on his finger. She was beautiful, the diamonds gave multicolored reflections bouncing on your skin .... And of course, so was the ring, but it was Bella who suddenly seemed to shine in my eyes. "That's right: this saves me a trip to the jewelry. I added
regaining her composure again and feigning indifference.

"You like, right? -. Asked perceptively as he moved his fingers in the air.

So obvious was it? I tried to sound nonchalant when I answered. But it was hard to do, I was so happy I wanted to take her in my arms tight, fill it with kisses.

"Sure. I feel very good.

then I looked her large eyes staring into mine and what I saw reflected in them was a happy man, my efforts to conceal it were absurd, no doubt she knew how much I liked and I decided not to pretend anymore. I knew she knew and she knew I knew she knew ... .. He was almost upset by the emotion that even my thoughts were disturbed, chest felt so happy that if not allowed out of my mouth could be my chest would explode into a thousand pieces. At that time if I could mourn with joy I would have.
Then I felt that I had no strength to continue with the apathetic facade.

"Yes, I like. Do not know how. Confessed. Bella

laughing now, but scoffed and said I believed.

Now I was free to laugh also, hold me tight, I wanted to thank you, fill it with kisses but before ... but before ...

- Do you mind to do something? -. I asked.

-Lo you want. Answered automatically. Is what you want? Surely recant. "Anything except that -. Tried to correct but it was too late.

Ignoring his words took her hand and we got out of bed.
was only one way to do this properly and I was glad that after so many years this custom was maintained.
Once on the ground, standing facing each other take him by the shoulders and told him I wanted to do things as God commanded and asked him to remember he had said that if I asked him to not spoil the moment.

"Oh, no -. Complained as he went down my right knee.
-Be good Said a low voice, was a solemn occasion and do not want anything to ruin it and without further ado, I knelt before her and watching her eyes said

-Isabella Swan.
promise to love you forever, every day of my life.
Will you marry me? -.

I looked into his eyes too and after a second she replied: "Yes


How much joy can contain such small words? "Thank

-. I replied.

Then I took her hand in mine and kiss the tips of his fingers and then the ring of my mother now was his and would be forever.

I stood slowly without tearing my eyes from theirs, put his hand, still held mine, on my chest where my heart once beat and then kiss her slowly, gently and delicately.


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