Monday, March 28, 2011

Beige Bathroom, What Color Rug Should I Get?


Chance wanted the Partnership Forum Meeting on Human Rights Education and Peace in the Basque Country and the English Association for Peace Research (AIPAZ) match on his second day with a ETA statement in which he says that is willing to informal verification of the ceasefire (1). But it is not so. I mean, not that the one influenced the other, but both are in the same process, the pacification of the Basque Country. On one side is the most highly political process in which the terrorist group "negotiating" its ceasefire with the nationalist left, the Basque parties, the Basque society, the state parties and the government, or else the negotiation that occurs exclusively in Euzkadi between institutions, parties, associations, organizations, individuals, etc. For me probably the second, not to downplay the former is more important , mainly because it reports directly to the actual testing, monitoring and enforcement for years along the entire process.
The forum, if we are modest but symbolically important, it has facilitated an atmosphere of trust is spoken clearly with direct references to social and political reality, and have been spill, always with great care, views from different viewpoints and strategies. (see link above program). The organization paid special attention to all sto might occur. Congratulations. All contributed greatly to the presence of peace researchers throughout the state who share concerns and views.
I really enjoyed the keynote speech given by Xavier Etxeberria, out on complexity and peace (on what happened been working several years). It was a top frame of understanding and interpretation the specific dynamics of Euzkadi, which, in a sense, takes away stress the piecemeal to give a broader framework of understanding.
On the other hand there is something which I always strikes me that it participated in any forums are the insistence Euzkadi almost "evil" to place the pain and suffering as the linchpin of all tests and the difficulties to understand positive aspects, the development such that there is the potential as backbones of the present and future. Which brings me to emphasize the need for an epistemological or ontological turn to redefine and reposition the strengths of building a just and peaceful future.
(1) By the way I interpret it positively because it implies that the band gestures (efforts) to walk to their demobilization. Asko Eskerrik


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