Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why Does My Chest Hurt After I Eat


The monument of the Pearl , it seems very beautiful ye going to continue looking. Become a symbol of freedom and the struggle for democracy.
This is despite that the government has decided Baréin overthrow. Like the Taliban wanted to kill the story, memory, feelings, beliefs, destroying the Buddhist statues, now Baréin authorities want to destroy the democratic claims destroying the monument. That his blindness. He was one of the most significant milestones of Bahrain, was composed of six dhow (Arab sailing ships) to go to heaven, representing the six Gulf countries, while the pearl is his being linked by an inheritance. was also a reminder of the old days of Bahrain, when diving for pearls. had been built in the early 80's to celebrate the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council, comprising Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Qatar. The destruction of a monument does not change history.


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