Friday, April 8, 2011

Doujinshi Sangoku Bulma


Iman al-Obeidi is a Libyan lawyer, that the March 26, 2011, entered the restaurant at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli, residence most of the international press in Libya, calling foreign reporters who had just been beaten and raped by 15 men of the army of Gaddafi . While tearfully reported the incident, law Libyan regime dragging her out of the hotel by force, and no one has seen since.
This is unprecedented in the Arab world, the rule is that a raped woman street and be ashamed, when it is rejected by her family. In this case al-Obeidi called Public Justice, before the world. And, according to Tayseer Alony could be that be an example for society, women and men.
seems that women have had some role in the "democratic revolutions" in the world 'Arabic, but the challenge, as in many other occasions, will be in the role they play when se estabilice la situación. Si ninguna duda que los aspectos patriarcales, machistas o violentos tendrán que ser revisados. Puede que Al-Obidi haya comenzado a hacerlo. Le deseamos mucha suerte.
Por fortuna la noticia ha tenido gran repercusión en la prensa internacional y diversas ongs se han movilizado al respecto. Gadafi podrá hacerse el sordo ante muchas de las denuncias internacionales, pero ya escuchó al gobierno turco cuando le pidió que liberara a periodistas extranjeros. Lancemos con urgencia un gigantesco llamamiento mundial dirigido al primer ministro de Turquía Erdogan para que ayude a salvar a Iman. Firma la petición y reenvía este correo a todos tus conocidos . La petición será delivered directly into the Turkish consulate in Benghazi.


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