Thursday, April 21, 2011

Skate Mini Ramps For 300 Or Under

processional march LIKE ME (Σπ)

I like the procession marches , also my sister Ana, Beatriz , equal. They are an experience of childhood "My parents always let us out to see the processions of Holy Week - then, in times of Franco, more gloomy. I believe that the compositions are quite beautiful and sublime moments of exceptional tenderness. A public ritual of socializing for everyone who wants to use him.
Holy Week, at least in Andalusia, is completely crazy, which blends the religious with secular, traditional and modern and postmodern. Enough, for example to see how the bars are filled with the passage of the brotherhoods, how attractive are the manolas with candles, blankets, high heels and tight skirts, the penitents that for some Americans Giris kukusclan remind, a young man with his car listening to loud tuning a march with the same passion that makes a cutting-edge rapper, or the like, this year, bringing the penitents and musicians to follow auricurales cup final King between Madrid and Barcelona. We could go on and on. Every year, with the dates changed, depending on the full moon on Good Friday, this chaos, including reactionary revolutionary holiday, returns to the streets
I am part of this world lively and contradictory beliefs distant from supernatural, but very much attached to earthly collective sentiments. The parade of music representing the gears are sublime part of the latter. I could go out for processions every day of the year. There are tastes as colors.
The origin of these marches, funeral marches bound and romanticism, has been gaining importance over the past two centuries, until today. I strongly recommend you to hear some of them, starting with the first one is titled " Eternal Peace" and is made by a woman, Maria Teresa Texidor Tic. The five proposals are related to Peace.

For those you like I strongly recommend the canal marchasdeprocesión YouTube


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